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A medical dictionary also defines feces contained

long in the intestines(old feces in semilunar folds of colon). The medical

academy reported that an adult has 3 to 5kg or 8 to 12kg at least and even 28kg

maximally. Our body produces feces everyday because we ingest consistently foods.

Most people suffer from constipation, bowel diseases and colorectal cancer,

when they could not empty their bowels after 8 hours since ingested foods.


According to the recent academic study, there are
10 trillion number and 400 kinds of bacteria in the large intestines, including
benefic bacteria such as lactobacillus that produce 3000 kinds of enzyme. These
enzymes improve the level of immunity and maintain homeostasis. The product helps
to boost the immune system and produce benefic bacteria, though harmful and beneficial
bacteria are discharged through bowl washing. Although beneficial bacteria are
reproduced by eating food, poison gas of harmful bacteria contaminates the
blood and then causes diseases, aging and early death. Therefore, bowl
washing(removal of feces contained long in the intestines) is necessary for
bowl health. 


Human body is very scientific in the structure. Food
moves to small intestine and then large intestine, and it does not flow
backward structurally. Why don't you associate it with one-way door for better
understand? Therefore, you don't need to remind that water flow backward to the
small intestine or stomach. 


Feces contained long in the intestines are bodily
waste including protein, fat, steroid hormones and congeal on semilunar folds
of the large intestines(colon and rectum). Feces cause noxious oxygen and carcinogen
such as phenol, amine, ammonia and formaldehyde while those are fermented and
spoiled. Those travel to the blood and then to organs, and causes each illness.
Generally it causes vascular lesions and adult disease, and slows liver


Yes, it does. Horrible fart smell is owing to
poison gas that bacteria in feces contained long in the intestines produce. Some
poison gas is excreted from the body through fart and then remnants flow into
capillaries and blood. To excreting feces from the intestines helps to clean
the blood and prevent horrible fart smell. 


There are some reasons for breath odor. Those are to drink coffee on an empty stomach
or have canker sores. If you have bad breath on ordinary day, it is due to feces
odor flowing backward from the intestines to mouth, while the valve of
intestines and rectum is opened. The digestive organs are a long path
connecting the mouth, throat, stomach, small intestines and large intestines,
rectum and anus. Feces odor flows backward to the mouth through a connected
path, while the valve of intestines is opened by feces contained long in the
intestines. Intestines washing help to kill breath odor.


Yes, it does. Let us explain two experience cases for your understanding. A man in
late 30s who used the product for four months was wounded on his leg and bled
bright red blood. It is a case to recognize that feces contained long in the
intestines has a strong influence on blood.

A female user discharged sticky and dark red blood during a menstrual
period. By the way, she discharged clean and bright red blood during a
menstrual period while she used Clean Silicon(C) for vaginal washing. Intestines
washing help to sterilize the vagina and clean the blood.


Cold hands, feet and blood-flow disorders are
caused by poison gas of feces contained long in the intestines that
contaminates and makes sticky blood. To excreting feces containing bacteria and
poison gas helps to absorb water in the large intestines and clean the blood.
Then you may cure cold and numbing hands and feet. 


It is able to use the product for vaginal washing,
if you don’t need to have a vaginal surgery in gynecology. Bacteria cause odors
and diseases. For healthy vagina, you need to sterilize your vagina. Vaginal
odor and poor vaginal contraction are due to bacteria and extraneous bodies.
Therefore you need to remove bacteria and extraneous bodies to keep the clean
vagina and prevent vaginal diseases. 


Use of the product depends on surgery date. It may
take 8 months or one year to recover the scar at the site of surgery. Therefore
we recommend to use the product after a year since you undergone a surgical


There are two reasons for a bloody stool. First, it is wounded anus during bowel
movement. Second, it is the scar of rectum.

You may has a slight anus wound if you wipe up the blood from the anus with toilet
paper, but serious wound in the rectum, if your anus bleed to such an extent as
that the toilet is filled with blood. It is because hard feces contained long
in the intestines make wound on the rectum wall while those pass through the
rectum. Loose feces cover the wounded rectum wall and the wound stops the
bleeding. However, loose feces on the wound make perforation of the rectum. You
may use the product if you has only the anus wound, though you should get
treatment at the hospital if you have a bloody stool.


The anus may be sensitive about water while you are
in poor health or bio rhythm. Eczema and dry air weaken the anus in the summer
and the winter. We recommend to use softly massage with warm water decreasing
the water pressure.